Material – Urberg Design



It is a nice material to work in and it is a metal with very little weight compared to other metals. The light weight of the metal thus enables the wearing of larger jewelery than other metals allow. 

During processing, the properties of the metal become denser and become increasingly harder and more durable.

Aluminum is one of the most common metals in the earth's crust.

Extraction and production require enormous energy and are therefore an indefensible material from an environmental perspective.

For this very reason, we run what we call detective work, to obtain residual material from local industries.

For us, it is extremely important to access the material in the "gap" between spills in the industry - before it is sent for recycling through smelting and even more energy is required.

Although this hunt is often both difficult and time consuming, the effort weighs heavily in our sustainability thinking and is very inspiring on several levels within the company and which is often appreciated by our customers. 

Since aluminum is a soft metal, you should consider the handling of the jewelery as in certain circumstances it increases the risk of scratches occurring and the jewelery can be bent during difficult handling.

Aluminum can be easily cleaned with, for example, a little detergent on a damp cloth and dry dry after cleaning.



One of all the elements and is common around us and also within us. In other words, it is something that we actually really really need.

The metal is also important from a historical perspective as iron has always been the metal that has been most important for our technical development.

According to research, man must have been able to master the art of producing iron for about 2500 years and around 500 years after the start of our era, the knowledge came from Asia and between the east to Scandinavia.

Iron jewelry that is worn directly against the skin gets an ever deeper luster over time, this is due to the skin's own composition and ability to thereby be able to build up and saturate the metal.

If, on the other hand, iron is exposed to a humid environment or washed without drying, corrosion occurs on the surface, sometimes to the benefit of the jewelery, sometimes not, depending on the function and the viewer's gaze.

If an iron piece of jewelery needs to be cleaned, we first recommend a minimal drop of non-stick oil on a toothbrush, always rub and wipe off any residue.

It is also possible to clean in other ways, but always make sure to remove residual moisture, if corrosion is not something that is sought after.


Stainless steel, surgical steel - the metal with many names.

Stainless steel is available in many different compositions, adapted based on what the metal is to be used for. Therefore, there are also many names, stainless / acid resistant / surgical steel / stainless steel / 314L etc.    

For very good reasons, one of all the variants of the metal is used extensively in healthcare. The so-called "surgical steel".

The material is very durable, durable, resistant to corrosion and that it does not release any allergens. 

For exactly the same reasons, we have chosen that pins and hooks in all our earrings as well as other "skin-friendly" jewelry components should be made of surgical steel.

The metal is durable and can be cleaned without problems, but keep in mind that other parts of the jewelry and joints are often made of other metal and / or material.